
sakn el 8alb (charachterz) part 3

Characters description / personalities

MaRiOm (a7mdz sister):: soo sensitive, she cries 3la kl shay.
Age: 18
short bs msh waid ya3ni normal. she has long wavy hair, and small deep brown eyes. w sexy body

A7mad (marioomz brother):: strong, w mn alnoo3 ily waid e5af 3la his sis. w he will do anything for her.
Age: 19
6weel w has a muscular body (msh waid). He has dark brown hair. w wide hazel eyes.

3AwAsHiIiI (marioomz best friend)::
Age: 18
klshay feeha jameel, her eyes wide w black, w her hair waid na3m oo 6weel (mashallah).

ReeM0o (maithoz best friend):: 3ndha waid strong personality, w waid it7b 9degatha w doom idafi3 3anhom, ta5th 7agha mn 3nd alnass mn albdaya, ma tskt 3an shay, t7b t'6arb.
Age: 19
Waid thin, w 6weela, baia'9ha f'9ee3, w has loooong hair w light brown eyes.

MaIThoh (marioomz cuzin) :: waid funny, doesnt take anything serious, ta5th al7ya msh jad kla maz7.
Age: 19
she have the most beautiful hair w ashgar 3la brown. wide brown eyes. w jsmha mratab.

salaMiii (saloom)(remooz lil sis):: she only cares about drasa w it7son inha nerd bs waid funny w waid ttwatar.
Age: 16
Description:: 6weela w has short hair w light brown eyes. shway itshabh reemo.

RaSHo0od (remooz big brother)w(marioomz secret crush):: nafa3, he has strong w waid different personality 3anhom klhom w waid e7b alboyish stuff mthl cars w hal swaliff.
Age: 20
muscular sexy body, tanned skin color, husky voice, light brown attractive eyes,boyish black hair.

7amdan (rashoodz buddy):: e'3ai'6 waid, marat ahbal bs doom the man w he is very very funny.
Age: 20
Description:: black normal eyes, brown , normal boyish body but with abs, &he is tall sexy body.


  1. ooo00oooooolala a7s rashood 9dg sexy
    hahahahahahahahahahahahaha :)
    i loved him (allah yster sho bysawee fl story)

  2. WOW!!!
    I realy like rashed and 3awashii
    they have great bodys !!
    hope somthing happens between them !:P
    great start keep it up!

    bint babaty ;*

  3. oooookkkayyy !! lol :D

    5allla klhm 7lweeen !!!
    bint babaty
